
American Geographical Society

A few articles that I worked on:

NYC Department Of Transportation

Web Batch Geocoder [Python, Javascript]

web batch geocoder demo

QGIS 3 Cyclomedia Plugin [Python]

qgis 3 cyclomedia plugin demo

Select By Bounds Widget in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder [Javascript]

select by bounds widget for arcgis web app builder

print preview with openlayers demo

SIP Project viewer [Javascript]

sip project viewer demo

Roadway Deterioration Prediction [Python, R, SQL, Javascript]

estimation of the average rate

ex: estimation of the average rate of deterioration from historical data (matplotlib)

sample view of prediction and historical ratings

ex: web view of the prediction and historical ratings

Python Script Catalog and Remote use [Sqlite, Python-Flask]

Remote Sensing

Vegetation Index Visualization in the Sahara Desert [PostGIS, Nodejs-Express, Javascript]

vegetation index web view

Crowdsourcing mixed pixels to aid in spectral unmixing [PostGIS, Python-Flask, Javascript]

Bandmath [Python]


A snapshot of New York City’s distribution of community gardens and funding resources

community gardens funding types over race

Determining the optimal route for a Cross-Queens canal

different possible canal routes